International Experience Canada (IEC) team would like to share an exciting opportunity for you to work and travel abroad. Whether you are considering a gap year, summer abroad, or future career-building experiences, IEC offers young Canadians (18-35) the chance to live, work, and gain valuable international experience in more than 30 countries and territories.

To help you discover which countries might be the best fit for your interests and goals, we invite you to take the quick IEC Adventure Quiz: This fun tool helps you find your top destinations in just a few clicks — and learn more about the work and travel options available through IEC.

Why look at IEC?

IEC offers:

  • Real-world work experience in diverse industries
  • Cultural exchange that helps students build global networks
  • An opportunity to gain independence and life skills
  • A flexible program — from seasonal work to year-long placements

Explore more about the program at: and check out our one-pager attached.

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