Hi, Name is Emily Seymour. I am the Summer Camp Director of Yoho Scouts Reserve summer camp program. I will be running a 4-week long overnight summer camp program for youth ages 8-12 from the beautiful Scouts reserve located along the Yoho Lake. I am reaching out in hopes of promoting camp positions such as cook, kitchen assistant, lifeguard, and camp counsellors through the guidance office. More information can be found on the Scouts Canada website and any questions can be directed towards summercamp.yoho@scouts.ca

Thank you for your time.

Yours in Scouting,

Emily Seymour (She/Her/They/Them)

Summer Camp Director – Summer Camps, Yoho Scouts Reserve ǀ SCOUTS CANADA

Phone: +

Email: emily.seymour@scouts.ca Join an amazing adventure this summer: www.scouts.ca/summercamp

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