The Loran Scholars Foundation identifies and supports promising young people who demonstrate strength of character, a deep commitment to service, and sparks of exceptional leadership potential, empowering them to make positive change. In 2024-25, the Loran Scholars Foundation will offer up to 160 financial awards funding studies on Canadian campuses at the following three levels:

Loran Awards

Up to 36 Loran Scholars will embark on a transformative journey with the support of a national network.  They will benefit from a four-year, comprehensive leadership-enrichment program, diverse opportunities for experiential learning, financial support, one-on-one mentorship, and a lifelong network of values-driven peers and alumni – unlike anything else offered in this country.

Loran Scholars may pursue undergraduate studies at the following universities only:  Alberta, British Columbia (UBC), Calgary, Dalhousie, Guelph, King’s, Laval, McGill, McMaster, Manitoba, Memorial, Montreal (UdM), Mount Allison, New Brunswick (UNB), Ottawa, Queen’s, Saskatchewan, Sherbrooke, Simon Fraser, Toronto (UofT), Toronto Metropolitan, Waterloo, Western, Victoria, York.

Loran Scholars must meet university and program admission requirements.  To renew the award, Loran Scholars must maintain a B+ (77%) CPGA under a full course load, live independently, including in university residence for the first year of study, and demonstrate growth in character, service, and leadership.

Finalist Awards

Up to 54 one-time awards valued at $6000 will be offered to finalists not selected as Loran Scholars for use at any public Canadian university.

Provincial & Territorial Awards

Up to 70 one-time awards valued at $2000 will be offered to top candidates chosen by interview committees, for use at any public Canadian university.


  • Be graduating from high school in 2025.  Note:  Students who graduated in 2024 and are currently taking a gap year are eligible to apply.
  • Present a minimum cumulative average of 85%.
  • Hold Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status.
  • Be born between January 1, 2003 and September 1, 2009.

Instructions for All Applicants

  1. Review the information at thoroughly before beginning the official application process.
  2. The application is entirely online.  You do not need to mail anything.  Complete the application at  However, applicants without sufficient internet bandwidth to apply online may mail in a hard copy application.  Contact or 416-646-2120 x100 for more information.
  3. You will need to request a reference from a teacher, community member, or someone else who is familiar with your activities.  The referee may not be a family member or friend.

Note: The reference letter must be complete by the application deadline.  Make sure you give your referee ample time to complete their portion of the application before the deadline.  It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure all elements of the application are submitted on time.

Deadline for all applications to be submitted is before 7:00 pm on Tuesday, October 15, 2024.

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