
“Electronic devices” include smart phones, iPads, tablets, laptops, cameras or any such other electronic communication or internet accessing device.

“Instructional time” means any time “during class time” inside or outside of the building. This includes in the classroom, computer or science labs, hallways, on field trips, during assemblies, etc.

“Bring your own device” refers to a program in which students can use their own personal devices to support their learning in school during the instructional day. This includes connecting to the Internet via the school wireless network.


EECD Policy 703: Positive Learning Environment

EECD Policy 311 C: Acceptable Computer Use Policy

Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act


When used properly, access to electronic devices during the instructional day has been shown to:

  • Increase students’ knowledge and understanding in all curricular areas by harnessing the power of technology in the classroom;
  • Increase students’ desire to learn beyond the school day;
  • Increase students’ responsibility and appropriate use of technology;
  • Increase teachers’ ability to plan rich and interactive lessons using the power of technology in the classroom;
  • Increase engagement to drive student curiosity and encourage participation;
  • Increase collaboration with peers, allowing students to quickly and easily share documents and improve teamwork skills.

 BYOD Rules & Guidelines:

  • Students will be permitted to have cell phones and/or electronic devices during non-instructional time.
  • The use of personal electronic devices during instructional time is not permitted unless the teacher has given explicit permission for use to support student learning and educational activities.
  • Unless a teacher gives explicit permission for a student to use a device for student learning or educational activities, the device will be turned off and kept in one of the following locations: the student’s pocket, the student’s bookbag, the student’s locker or the classroom “phone hotel”.
  • The use of personal devices is not permitted in hallways, lobbies, or washrooms during instructional time unless a teacher has given explicit permission for an educational purpose.
  • The use of personal electronic devices in the classroom is at the discretion of teachers and the school administration.
  • Many teachers ask students to place cell phones in the “phone hotel”, a designated holder, when they enter the classroom. Failure to comply with such requests will result in disciplinary action.
  • Pictures or videos taken as part of course work are not to be posted on the internet or shown for purposes other than for what they were intended without consent.
  • Personal electronic device use at school is only permitted during non-instructional time and must not disrupt the learning of others.
  • Inappropriate use of personal electronic devices during the instructional day may result in loss of privileges. In extreme circumstances, devices may be subject to search and seizure. Examples of inappropriate use could involve unauthorized use of social media, texting, making calls, playing games, watching unauthorized videos, visiting unauthorized websites or any other activity which is deemed by the teacher as disruptive to the learning process.
  • The School District and School are not responsible for damaged, lost or stolen devices that students use in the BYOD program.
  • Access to school WiFi is provided; this does not include access to NBED resources such as user drives, printers, etc.
  • School District IT is not responsible for setup, maintenance and repair to personal devices involved in this BYOD project.
  • Parents are reminded, unless there is an emergency, to please contact their children by cell phone during non-instructional time only. Parents may contact their child through the school office at any time.
  • The use of electronic devices by staff during instructional time is also prohibited, except for instructional purposes, in the case of an emergency, or in circumstances deemed necessary by the school administration.
  • Failure to abide by this policy may result in loss of BYOD privileges.

Disciplinary Steps in Cases of Non-Compliance:

Teachers will work with students, educating them about this policy and appropriate and inappropriate uses of personal electronic devices in the classroom. If inappropriate use of technology becomes a chronic issue, a student will be placed on the following steps:

1st incident of non-compliance – A teacher will ask a student in violation of the above guidelines to turn over their phone for the remainder of class and the incident will be recorded on a behavior tracking form. The administration will inform all of the student’s teachers about the incident. Failure to comply with such requests will result in referral to administration and will automatically result in movement to Step 2 of this policy outlined below.

2nd incident of non-compliance – electronic device is confiscated by the teacher for the remainder of class. The incident will be recorded on a behavior tracking form. The student will be referred to the office to meet with administration. The guidelines of the policy will be reinforced to the student. The student will serve a noon hour detention.

3rd incident of non-compliance – electronic device is confiscated by the teacher for the remainder of class. The incident will be recorded on a behavior tracking form. The student will be referred to the office to meet with administration. The guidelines of the policy will be reinforced, and home contact will be made. The student will serve a noon hour detention.

4th incident of non-compliance – electronic device is confiscated by the teacher for the remainder of class. The student will be referred to the office to meet with administration. The student will lose access to school wi-fi privileges. If this occurs, a student is not permitted to use the login information of another student. This will result in further disciplinary measures for both students. The student will need to complete schoolwork using their own data plan or by using a device belonging to the school.

5th incident of non-compliance – the student will lose the privilege of bringing a personal device to school. School work can only be completed using a school device or at home.

Further incidents of non-compliance – Disciplinary action including detention, in-school suspension or out-of-school suspension could be taken.

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