Guidance will be meeting with students Jan 8 – 19 to do course schedule changes for second semester. Please make your appointments during these two weeks.
The Horatio Alger Association of Canada seeds to assist students who have demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity strength of character, financial need, a good academic record, commitment to...
Student Financial Services is currently doing some market research. High school students and parents of high school students in New Brunswick are invited to take part in an important survey...
The Prize is valued at $500. Established in 1991 to recognize the contribution of former NBFL President Tim McCarthy to the trade union movement, the object of the award is...
Two NBFL AIL Solidarity Awards valued at $500 each are offered annually. The objective of the award is to encourage greater public awareness and understanding of the value of unions...
There are two scholarships of an annual value of $500.00 each. The scholarships are for FIRST YEAR attendance at any University in the Atlantic Province or first year attendance in...
U of A is now accepting applications for 20 lucky students to spend a weekend away at the U of A. Your adventure will include transportation reimbursement*, accommodations, meals and...