Rationale: The principals of the nine high schools in the Woodstock Education Centre of ASD-W have been concerned with the increased distraction caused by cell phones for the past number of years. Our student perception data, staff perception data, behaviour data, and current research regarding student mental health, technology addiction, and engagement indicate that cell phones in the classroom cause far too many distractions which impede learning. Some of these distractions include the constant need to check social media notifications, the temptation to play games, and bullying and harassment during school hours. All high schools in the Woodstock Education Centre will be adopting this policy for 2024-2025. 

Cell Phone Expectations:

  • Nackawic High School is a cell phone reduced environment from the hours of 8:00 am-3:05 pm.
  • Cell phones are not to be used during the instructional time. Phones are to be left in lockers. If they are brought to class students will be directed to turn them off and put them in a designated space. Refusal to comply will be treated as defiance by school administration. Repeated instances of bringing a phone to class will be treated as defiance by school administration under this policy.
  • Students are only permitted to use cell phones before school, during breaks, at noon hour, and after school.
  • Phones are not to be used in hallways or washrooms during instructional time. They are to be left in lockers during class time, even if a student is not necessarily in the classroom.
  • Students who require use of their cellphone for medical reasons, such as diabetes self-management, may continue to use it for these purposes only.
  • If a teacher plans to engage the class in an activity for which a cell phone is required, such as orienteering, the teacher may apply to school administration for approval of each activity. If approved, students are only permitted to use their phones for the purpose of the activity. 
  • Students who are in need of communicating with parents and guardians during the instructional day may do so in the following way:
  • They may use their cell phone at noon or after school.
  • In case of an urgent matter, the student may ask the teacher for permission to use the office phone.
  • If a parent needs to contact their child due to an emergency or other urgent matter, they can call the school and speak with an administrative assistant or leave a message. The message will be relayed to the student.
  • To help students adjust to this new policy, our teachers will be teaching, modeling, and reinforcing the guidelines over the first two weeks of school. During this time, students will have the opportunity to learn and understand the new policy and procedures. We believe that this gradual approach will allow for a smoother transition and better compliance with the policy.
  • After the initial two-week period, the policy will be strictly enforced. Students who refuse to meet the expectation of the cell phone reduced school environment will be subject to the following consequences:
  • Step 1: on first offence, a warning will be given and the phone will be placed in the office until the end of the day.  A parent/guardian will be notified by email or phone call.
  • Step 2: on second offence, the student will receive a one-day suspension from school
  • Step 3: on third offence, the student will receive a 3-day suspension from school
  • Step 4: on fourth offence, the student will receive a 5-day suspension and require a re-entry meeting with a parent

Note: If serious misconduct in use of cellular phones occur, more immediate and severe consequences may be warranted.

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