Smoking and Vaping

Smoking is not permitted by anyone within the school building, on school property, or on school buses. A violation of this policy, by a student, will result in immediate suspension (in or out-of school) and/or a requirement to participate in an information session with a medical professional or our school Guidance Counselor explaining the medical dangers of smoking. The use of vapes is considered the same as regular cigarettes and the same consequences apply under this policy. A student will receive a 2-day out-of-school suspension for the first offence of smoking or vaping inside the school or on school property. A second offence will result in a 5-day out-of-school suspension. A further offence will result in a recommendation to the Director of Schools for a long-term suspension.


All student bathrooms and locker rooms at NHS have had vape detectors installed. These vape detectors are highly sensitive and accurate and can distinguish between vape, THC, and cigarette smoke. When the vape detector is activated, an email is immediately sent to school administration. If a student is present in the bathroom when the vape detector is activated, the following consequences will be in place:

First Offence: All students present will meet with administrators and home contact will be made. Students will be warned that a second offence will result in suspension. Students will be reminded not to gather in groups in the washroom and to avoid washrooms if known vapers are present.

Second Offence: The student will receive a 2-day out-of-school suspension.

Third Offence: The student will receive a 5-day out-of-school suspension.

Fourth Offence: A request will be made to the Director of Schools for a long-term suspension.

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